Active Artists (P - T)

Sérgio Telles

Sérgio Telles (1936 – ) was born in Rio de Janeiro. He initiated his artistic schooling at the age of nine. Besides being an artist, Telles is an ambassador. His first individual exhibition was held in Rio, in 1955. Still in the fifties, he travelled through Europe and did an internship at the Pinacoteca Vaticana as a restorer. Since that time, Telles has been holding exhibitions in galleries and museums across the globe, with drawings, waatercolours, engravings, and paintings, produced in Brazil France, Portugal, Lebanon, and Tunisia. He is represented at the MASP, in Sao Paulo, Grao Vasco Museum, Hermitage Museum, and Gulbenkian Foundations, amongst other collections. His collaboration with the Portalegre’s Tapestry began in 1972.  

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